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1. What is Car Detailing?
Car detailing or auto aesthetics (esthetics) is a term used to describe a very thorough cleaning of the inside and outside of a car or vehicle. It can mean anything from a fine detailed cleaning, to special treatments that remove small scratches, restore fogged headlights, and can even refer to removing odours left from smokers, pets, etc. Most car detailing encompasses a range of services that can bring new life to your vehicle, making it showroom quality.
2. Why get your car detailed?
There are many reasons why someone would want to have their car detailed. People pay a lot of money for their cars or vehicles, and like any investment, it needs to be taken care of to ensure that it keeps its value and worth. Whether you are trying to get a show car ready for an event, prepare your car to flash for the upcoming summer, or if you are looking to sell your car, Car detailing is an important step.
3. Why pay for my car to be detailed?
There is only so much one can do on their own when it comes to auto detailing. Our professional auto detailers go through extensive training which ensures you the highest quality of service. You wouldn't attempt to perform dentistry on yourself, so why attempt car detailing?
4. How much does it cost?
We have very competitive price packages that you can view on our pricing page. You can always contact us to build your own custom package depending on what types of detailing you are looking for. We respond to all requests within the hour if it is sent via email.
5. Do you only detail cars?
Montreal Auto Detailing not only details cars and trucks, but can detail any vehicle. We also offer detailing services for boats, yachts and RVS. Our rates for boats, yachts and RVs are priced per foot. We are always happy to answer any questions you might have regarding this
5. What if I can't bring my car/ vehicle to you?
Montreal Auto Detailing are proud to offer it's clients a convenient mobile service. If you are unable to bring your car or vehicle to us, we come to you. We know that your time is valuable and we make it our mission to please our clients.

Car Detailing Montreal